Flex-Chem is a technology company that never stops innovating. Flex-Chem reinvests a large portion of its profits each year into ongoing research and development, resulting in some of the biggest technological breakthroughs in the oil and gas industry in the last decade.
PermGuard XLP is designed to guard against permeability loss in proppant packs caused by interactions between fluid additives and reservoir formations. There is increasing evidence that many wells are damaged during completion by additives in the fluid systems that form insoluble material capable of severely blocking flow.
FHR Frac Hit Restoration is a service developed and offered by Flex-Chem using a patented fluid technology to restore productivity to wells impacted by offset development.
The system uses compact process skids to achieve efficient mixing and contacting of air and chemicals into a water stream. These skids provide support to Flex-Chem’s established method of using biological oxidation to economically treat oil and gas extraction wastewater.